The Business Advocacy Committee focuses its efforts on being the voice of business for our members. This includes building relationships with our local partner organizations and elected officials to have a positive, pro-business effect for our business community. Seats on this committee are by invitation only, though parties interested in becoming involved in the committee are welcome and encouraged to do so. 

  • Business Advocacy Committee – The Local & Regional Government Affairs/Economic Development Committee focuses on promoting pro-business and quality government at the local and regional levels (including economic development) and mobilize support of, or in opposition to, issues that affect the business community and quality of life.



The Member Services committee focuses on all things membership. This includes acquiring new members, retaining membership, meetings and topics, events, affinity programs, and sponsorships. 

  • Programming Committee – The Programming Committee actively participates in the development and implementation of programs/events that deliver networking and educational opportunities to Chamber members. The committee will assist Chamber staff in evaluating the content, frequency, and value of chamber events and programs to ensure they are adding value to members.

  • Golf Committee – The Golf Committee works to facilitate the golf outing. They are tasked with creating a fun and eventful outing.

  • ATHENA Leadership Awards Conference – Professional and personal development conference held annually in conjunction with the annual Medina County ATHENA Leadership Awards. The committee handles planning, attaining sponsors, obtaining speakers and vendors, encouraging people to attend, and all logistics at the event.

  • Safety Council – Managed by the Chamber, the Safety Council is a program offered to businesses that can obtain discounts on their worker’s compensation programs for attendance.  Each month the committee secures a speaker/program and works with the Worker’s Compensation Steering Committee to meet the needs of this group. 

  • Marketing – The Marketing Committee is responsible for creating the marketing plan, determining the messaging based on target audience, create the marketing pieces to use in sales and retention efforts, and on-going messaging and communication.

  • Ambassador Committee – This committee is the welcoming arm of the chamber.  Responsibilities include:  welcoming new members, attending ribbon cuttings and providing guidance at meetings.  This a great way to connect to others and help embrace fellow members.

  • Young Professionals Committee – Help drive content and planning for our young professionals.  Together, this group will set the calendar of events for young professionals in the area and help to promote, recruit and engage that demographic in the greater Medina region.

  • Hall of Fame Committee – Be a part of history!  This group coordinates everything from inductee selection to dinner choice at this prestigious event.  Though this event does not happen every year, if you are interested in the history of Medina and value recognizing those that have positioned us for success, this group is for you. 

For more information or to join a committee, please contact the Chamber office.